The Sunday News

21 things to do before turning 21

Nkosilesisa Ncube, Sunday Life Reporter
I RECENTLY turned 21 and while I enjoyed basking in the attention of all the birthday messages, I could not help but feel as though I had entered a new phase of life, leaving the best years behind me.
In retrospect, the first quarter of my life has been average, having done some of the things I set out to do, but leaving most of my bucket list unchecked.

It’s too late for me now but to those that are yet to turn 21, here is a list of things to do before then.

1. Have a plan

Not a “what are we doing tonight plan”, but a life plan. At this stage you should know what you want to do with the rest of your life. It does not have to be a foolproof plan; it just has to be a blueprint for what you expect to do in future.

2. Get a driver’s licence

Granted, this is easier said than done, but having a driver’s licence is more than just being able to drive around town. It’s also a symbol of independence, once you have your licence, you do not have to depend on anyone else to get you places.

3. Tour the country

Understandably, at below 21, touring an entire country may not be affordable but there are many places to see. Visit the history museum, the railway museum, the gallery and even the city dams.

4. Make a bold fashion statement

Remember that time you saw that girl in bright green braids and everyone turned to stare. Silently you judged her for being an attention seeker, but secretly admired her for pulling that off. Turn the tide, be that person who turns heads with a bold fashion statement.

5. Fall hopelessly in love

This does not have to be forever or with “The One”. It just has to be for a reasonable amount of time with someone you share a genuine emotional and intellectual connection with.

6. Make amends

Your teen years were the most drama filled and you made the most enemies in that time. Before you turn 21, take time to end all the unnecessary feuds you started in your teen years, it is one great step towards being an adult.

7. Read a book

Because everyone is so busy reading Twitter feeds, no one remembers how to read an actual book. Go to a library or download an eBook of Harry Potter or the Divergent series . . . something to keep the mind busy.

8. Play an instrument

We can’t all be rock stars but we can at least try. So take time to learn to play something as simple as the triangle or a traditional drum.

9. Learn a new language

It’s not as hard as it seems. It just comes down to the amount of work you are willing to put in. Besides they have videos on

YouTube on how to learn a new language in a week.

10. Make your artistic debut

We’re all good at at least one artistic thing. Whatever it is, make a public display of it. Showcase your art to the public; you will be surprised to find out how much they like it.

11. Go out more

Going out does not mean being out late at night every night, although that works for some people. This is more about stepping out of your comfort zones, meeting new people and learning new things from them.

12. Take a risk

It could be as daring as bungee jumping or as subtle as writing an open letter to someone who really deserves it, anything that gives you an adrenalin rush.

13. Do charity work

There is a misconception that charity work involves giving away tones of money — it doesn’t. You can give your time to do chores around either a children’s or old people’s home.

14. Make a lifelong financial investment

It would be nice to be able to buy something as huge as a car but you are only 20 at most and probably cannot afford it so opt for opening a savings account instead, which in the long run will help you buy that car.

15. Get the body you want

When it comes to this, to each is own. Some want to lose weight, others want to put on a few more kilograms and others want muscles for days. Whatever your preference, do what has to be done to get the body you want.

16. Learn basic chores

You will be moving out of the nest in the next few years and it would be nice if you knew how to fix a few things around the house. Unclogging a sink, changing a bulb and changing a car tyre are basic “Do It Yourself” skills that everyone should possess.

17. Be part of a bridal team

Or be the ring bearer or the candle lighter, whatever duty, however, small you play in making someone’s wedding come true is one of the best things you can do for them. Who knows? They might want to help too when you also eventually decide to have your big day.

18. Get a piercing or a tattoo

This will remind you when you are older of a time when you were young, wild and free. It will be a testimony of your youth engraved on your body.

19. Watch your favourite sport live

Don’t you want to be there in person the next time Highlanders shreds Dynamos to pieces? Go to the stadium, witness the action live and be able to say, “I was there”.

20. Have an exotic meal

You could go all out and try fried tarantula or you could keep it simple by trying something like madhumbe, a food indigenous to the people of Chipinge.

21. Prepare a video for your future self

It will be great to watch the video someday and look back and see the person you were when you were younger. – @nkocykay