Fungai Muderere, Senior Sports Reporter
HIGHLANDERS will today hold elections for the position of treasurer with incumbent vice-chairman Fiso Siziba, set to be confirmed as he was nominated unopposed.
Last weekend, the two candidates vying for treasurer’s post, Israel Moyo and Nkani Khoza, were given the opportunity to address club members and make their case for why they should be elected at the club’s annual general meeting (AGM).
“I feel humbled about the trust that has been shown to me by Highlanders members. I am happy that I have been nominated unopposed but that does not make me a special person. I will keep on learning and pursue the Highlanders mandate. Naturally, elections are divisive in that regard, I pray for peace and unity in the club. I’m looking forward to going back to work for the club ahead of what looks like it will be a difficult season,” said Siziba.
Candidates ought to have been Highlanders members for an uninterrupted period of 24 months, had to get their nomination forms signed by a minimum of 10 Bosso members in good standing and were required to pay a nomination fee of US$200 to qualify as contestants in the elections.
The nomination fee is refundable if a candidate receives at least 10 percent of the total votes cast for the position they are contesting.

Highlanders chairman Kenneth Mhlophe
After the closing of the nomination process, what followed was the verification process that saw the three candidates go through the vetting procedure after fulfilling the constitutional demands to stand for elections.
According to the Bosso constitution, the nomination and electoral review committee sits as a court on a set date but soon after the closure of nominations to verify and consider nominations.
Candidates or their agents may be present at the verification and may be allowed to make representations in support of their nominations at the end of which the Nomination and Electoral Review Committee shall publish the list of successful candidates for any contested position.
This election is part of the club’s tradition of holding staggered elections for continuity.
Last year, elections were held for three positions, namely, the executive chairman, secretary and committee member and this year, the focus is on the remaining two.
Kenneth Mhlophe is the club’s chairman, Morgen “Gazza” Dube is the secretary-general and Kidman Ndlovu is the committee member.

Secretary-general Morgen “Gazza” Dube
Last Sunday, the club’s bona fide members ratified amendments to the club’s constitution with the changes coming into effect immediately.
The process of amending the constitution has been on-going for some time, reflecting the club’s dedication to modernising and streamlining its operations. Key changes include the appointment of the chief executive officer (CEO) as the head of the secretariat, ending the previous arrangement of shared responsibilities with the executive secretary.
The CEO will now serve as the sole signatory for all club affairs.
The amendments also include changes to the titles of some executive positions. The executive secretary will now be referred to as the executive member for marketing, while the treasurer will take on the title of executive member for finance. Similarly, the committee member will be designated as the executive member for technical development.
Another significant amendment is that all executive positions will now be contested in a single election starting in 2027. Previously, elections for the chairman, secretary and committee member were held separately from those for the treasurer and vice-chairman.
From 2027 onwards, all executive members will serve four-year terms. — @FungaiMuderere.