The Sunday News

Bringing back the life of the last Nguni king — the journey continues


Nguni stick fighting

Charleen Ndlovu, Sunday News reporter
The culture and history of the land plays a fundamental role in exploring the tangible roots of the people and their enriching values.

The general history of the territory flaunts the proud cultural values of the country and its substance in the present world.

From  ancient people to the present modern populace, everyone’s life has been strongly influenced by the artistic merge of history and culture of the land.

At the beginning of the month of August the uMzinyathi Crown Land Trust produced a publication under the topic “Bringing back the life of the last Nguni King”.

According to Mr Christopher Dube who is the founder of the Trust , the organisation is out to publish the history of the Nguni people.

“Our main concern is that our history is distorted to such extents that our children have completely lost their cultural heritage, the African history stories we have are founded upon writings by people who could not relate  to or understand our culture. Our organisation shall constantly make use of the media in complementing phases of our history which shall be presented through different subjects hence our first publication (5-11 August) is to be entailed as the first part of the first phase.”

According to Mr Dube, Langalibalele Gibixhegu is a typical biblical Jacob of the Nguni family.

“John 4 verse 12 says that you are greater than our father Jacob who gave us the well, and who himself together with his sons and cattle drank all of it are you?, Gibixhegu was a wise king who understood that life and water bear a relationship of fish and water. As a wise  loving father he had to establish a water base for his family and agricultural activities before progressing to other establishments, hence in part one, phase one the trustees were studying the depth of God’s love which is also enshrined in the old well, the first old land mark of the Nguni kingdom,” he said.

The UMzinyathi Crown Land Trustees commemorated the grand heroes’ celebration on the month of August where they took a spiritual tour to Fort Umlungu cemetery and to the Rhodes Ndaba site peace pact 1896.

Mr Dube said that different misinterpretations of Nguni sounds when written down and re-conveyed to the English reader will as a matter of fact leave serious implications on the final reader’s responsive behaviour hence the impact of distorted history on the African child is a serious case.

The trustees are of the belief that there is  need  for a Pentecost that will unpack and address differences in a manner that Langa Insele kaNdaba and Cecil John Rhodes did at the Rhodes Ndaba site, the event that led to the signing of the August 21, 1896 peace pact.

“This is when we will realise that although we speak different languages we are one. The word Inguboyenja is actually Inguboentsha which addresses and commemorates thankfulness, unity, peace and development.

“I do not think that there was any time in our history that our forefathers ever thought of using dog’s skin as hide for clothing.

If one says we grow cotton sounding as coat on, he is actually expressing that we are civilised and we express our civilisation in the way we dress and express ourselves preserving our history in writing, added one member of the BSPCZ.

“Matthew 28 verse 15 reads, that even today it is said among the Jews that he is not risen from the dead. This is the spirit that hovers over the hearts of many Zimbabweans today. They believe that the Esidulwini land mark is a Rhodes initiative hence they say kusesidulwini sikaRhodes thereby describing the place as Rhodes or white’s monument. Whereas it is only in the Nguni culture and custom that the significance of Isiduli settlement represents the settling of a dispute between fighting family members just as one would do in driving two big bulls to a huge anthill to bring a halt in their fierce fight.

“It is the African English student who enslaves himself by putting his trust in the in African history that was founded by the Whiteman and further complicated by other African writers whom English is not their mother language. As a result the African history student of this African school of thought gradually develops a mindset that does not only enslave him as an African but that also causes inhuman thinking resulting in hate, racial discrimination and civil wars ” said Mr Dube.

The trustees added that the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth the second has recorded the true history and also that the place called Rhodes Ndaba site is a place where Cecil John Rhodes and Langalibalele Insele kaNdaba signed the peace pact.