The Sunday News

Chat with Sis Noe…My girlfriend is not interested in sex anymore

Hi Sis Noe
MY problem is that I am always bleeding. I see drops of blood every time on my pants.  — Help.

Unexpected bleeding is always a concern for a woman at any stage of life. Bleeding other than a normal menstrual period and even an abnormally heavy period can be great cause for alarm. The medical term for excessive or prolonged vaginal bleeding that occurs at the regular time of the menstrual cycle is known as menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia is the term used to refer to uterine bleeding at irregular intervals, particularly between the expected menstrual periods. Menometrorrhagia is the combination of the two that is excessive uterine bleeding, both at the usual time of menstrual periods and at other irregular intervals. It is important to understand exactly what is causing the bleeding, its origin whether its uterus, vaginal, or some other organ or tissue, and to make decisions about how to control or stop the bleeding. Go and see a doctor this instance.

Hi Sis Noe
I am 19 years old and I think I have syphilis but I am scared to go to the clinic to get treatment. It’s painful and burns when I am urinating and its beginning to smell. — Help.

You being scared will not change the fact that you have a sexual transmitted disease. If you do not get treated it will get worse. Syphilis can spread to your other organs and if left untreated it can go all the way to the brain. Being embarrassed will not solve anything, go to the clinic and get treatment.

Hi Sis Noe
I am 30 and she is 28, the problem is that she is not interested in sex anymore. What should I do? — Starving.

A low libido can hurt a marriage and it can lead to affairs which destroy one of the most important components in a relationship — trust. Female sexual dysfunction can be seen through a lack of interest in sex, an inability to reach orgasm, painful sex and failure to be aroused. There are a number of causes which include a diminished flow of blood to the vagina, childbirth, high levels of stress and emotional problems. Communication is the key to a healthy and active sex life in a marital relationship, so talk with one another more. Share your sexual desires. Talk about your expectations concerning lovemaking. False or unmet expectations can hurt your marriage. Sexual intimacy is a continuing process of discovery and it can be achieved only with the help of true intimacy which only happens through communication. Sex in a long lasting relationship should not retard but should deepen and become a richer experience. No matter how many times you have made love to each other, the wonder and awe of mutual attraction can still be there. When life becomes busy, and schedules hectic, plan for sexual encounters with one another. Make sex one of your main priorities; don’t let it take a back seat. Try to set the mood in advance. If you want to have good sex at night, start the foreplay in the morning. Let your spouse know you care and are thinking about him/her throughout the day by notes, e-mails, phone calls, SMSes and hugs. And most importantly don’t expect to be the only one in your marriage who is responsible for romance; know what your wife wants. An intimate and successful marriage can only be a reality if both of you are working as a team. In a nutshell the fire in your relationship will only return when you achieve high levels of good communication, when you communicate and when you make time for each other.

Hi Sis Noe
I have a boyfriend. I am 18 and he is 20. He fights with me when he sees me talking to a guy. — Help.

Your boyfriend is too possessive. He should desist from controlling you before this thing gets too far. He has no right dictating who and who you should not talk to. Any relationship is premised on trust, if he does not trust you to the extent of not wanting you to talk to any other man before you are married, picture what will happen when you become husband and wife. Unless you have done something to earn the distrust, you need to sit down with him and make it clear in no uncertain terms that you are free to talk to anybody and if he cannot stomach that he should look elsewhere.

Hi Sis Noe
What are the dangers of having anal sex? — Worried.

Anal sex is defined as an act in which the penis is inserted into the anus of a sexual partner. In my words it involves trying to prevent a partner from defecating by pushing faeces back into the rectum. Disgusting isn’t it? Such a description of anal sex is deliberate because I don’t want you to do it. Anal sex carries an elevated risk of passing on diseases because the anal sphincter is delicate, easily-torn tissue; a tear can provide an entry for pathogens. The high concentration of white blood cells around the rectum, together with the risk of tearing and the rectum’s function to absorb fluid, places those who engage in unprotected anal sex at high risk of sexual transmitted infections. It increases the risk of anal cancer, anal warts and STIs. It can result in Hepatitis A which is a viral infection that can cause jaundice and abdominal pain. There is also the risk of Hepatitis C which is a progressive and sometimes fatal chronic liver disease. It can lead to serious kidney infection. Most gravely there is no doubt that anal intercourse carries a greater risk of transmission of HIV than other sexual activities, particularly for the receptive partner. It is theoretically possible that frequent or vigorous anal sex could put undue pressure on the posterior (back) vaginal wall. This could lead to an increased risk for passing gas (farting) or even to anal continence problems.