The Sunday News

Choosing upholstery fabric for a new sofa

Amanda Ncube

Upholstery fabric for a new sofa or armchair is a big investment. An upholstery is a soft, padded textile covering that is fixed to  furniture such as armchairs and sofas.

You do not want to be second-guessing it a few months after the furniture arrives on your doorstep. If you select the wrong material you will find yourself battling snags and stains every day. Make a mistake on the colour or pattern; the whole room will be destroyed.

Before you pick your new upholstery fabric, first find out what you should consider in terms of durability, comfort, and style.

Here are tips on how to choose a fabric you will be satisfied with for years.

As you shop for an upholstery fabric, let your practical needs lead. First, consider who will use the material and where you want to place it. By so doing it will guide you on the type of material to choose.

You may love the look of that silk, leather or velvet, but it will quickly get destroyed in a house with kids. Pieces in high-traffic areas, such as the living rooms or kitchen, will need durable fabrics, while furniture that does not get as much wear and tear such as a bedroom headboard you can opt for any type of textile.

A big mistake people make, is not considering how a fabric or leather may age over time. Make sure you have all the knowledge about the material’s content and cleaning needs then think about how much maintenance you are prepared to do to protect your selection.

In a place where there are kids, leather and faux suede are the best; you do not have to worry about the occasional scuff or scratch. If you have a busy household, stay away from delicate or textured options like lace, most sheer material and silk, which could pull and are not as forgiving when it comes to stains.

If you are not worried about messy children you can flaunt your freedom and go all out. Select materials such as fluffy material or silk that feels indulgent. Make sure you do not place it in high-traffic area.

Linen can also be used when you want your home to look luxurious. It is very durable, in lighter colours it does not offer the level of stain resistance that a kid-friendly household might need and may not have a crisp, wrinkle-free look after a lot of lounging.

If you are worried about maintenance, you can always use these elegant fabrics on pillows, which can be swapped out once they have seen better days or a new trend comes along.

It is important to consider how the material will look after a few years. Will you still love the type of material you selected as it develops a nice coating from everyday living?