The Sunday News

Clinton wiped e-mail server ‘clean’

Washington — Hillary Clinton wiped “clean” her private server that hosted her e-mails while secretary of state, permanently deleted all correspondence, and did not turn over more of the messages, lawmakers said on Friday. A simmering scandal over Clinton’s admitted use of a private e-mail account for the duration of her four years as President Barack Obama’s top diplomat has threatened to mar a spring rollout of her all-but-certain White House campaign.

“We learned today, from her attorney, Secretary Clinton unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean and permanently delete all emails from her personal server,” House Benghazi Committee chairperson Trey Gowdy said in a statement after Clinton’s lawyer wrote to explain why no new e-mails would be forthcoming from the likely 2016 presidential candidate.

Gowdy had issued a subpoena for all Clinton e-mails related to Libya, particularly the 11 September 2012 attacks in Benghazi that killed four Americans, and formally requested she turn over her server to a neutral third party.

It is unclear exactly when Clinton decided to permanently delete all e-mails from her server, but Gowdy said it appears to have occurred after 28 October, when the state department first asked her to hand over the records. — AFP