Belated examination hints. Examinations are always written as they are not a one off event. Whenever you go for examinations, make sure you arrive with the right equipment and always have a spare pen with you. Read instructions very carefully. Number all your questions clearly, in the margin. Use titles where it may be helpful to the examiner. Cross out, neatly, work you do not want the examiner to read.
Pay attention to time and always and always allow time for planning and checking your work. Check your work for common errors and errors and accuracy in following instructions. Write clearly and present your work neatly. Never leave out a question — no work equal no marks! Finally, relax — you are the only one who will suffer if you panic.
Points to remember about all letters: Plan all letters before you start writing. State your purpose in the opening sentence, answering questions like: why? whom? what? Who? The date is placed below the right address. End off a letter with a rounding off statement, for example, I look forward to your reply/visit or many thanks again. Whether or not your letter ends with “Yours sincerely””or “Yours faithfully”, “Yours” always begins with a capital letter and “faithfully” always begins with a small letter.
Be consistent — if you have been taught to write indented, half-block or block letters, make sure you stick to the same form all the way through. These days most schools use the half-block of letters. This means that no punctuation is used in the address or in the ending of the letter. A more detailed look at each type of letter — Friendly letters: Although the style of a friendly letter is informal, it should still be clearly structured, with each paragraph carrying a main point.
In addition, slang and “sloppy “expressions should be avoided. It is better to stick to the suggested endings, (Yours sincerely, Yours truly), rather than use flowery ones such as Öceans of love or “Your ever loving one”. Avoid over-personal details and try to keep your content relevant to the purpose of your letter.
A letter to a pen friend — Although at first a pen friend is not known to you, you use the style of a friendly letter. Write about yourself, your family and friends, your school, your home and hobbies. Describe your country but do not make it sound like a geography book. Try to include one or two events in your life, for example, a holiday or birthday party, local festival or celebration.
Business letters — Remember that your letter is intended for someone completely unknown by you, so: deal strictly with the business in hand. Be clear and direct to the point. Address whoever you are writing to as Dear Sir/Madam. Write the position held by the above at the top of the business address. After you have written Dear Sir/Madam give your letter a title. Always conclude Yours faithfully.
Sign your name but also print it clearly above your signature so that there is no doubt about who you are. If you hold a position, (for example, manager) this should be printed below your name. Letter of complaint: Remember, that in order for the company to act on your complaint, they need to know all the important details which might include: the model, make or detailed description of the product; the name and address of the shop where you bought it; the date of your purchase; a description of the problems; what action you wish to take.
Be reasonable, polite, but firm in your tone — avoid threatening, angry or insulting letters. Letters to newspapers: These letters fall into a category of their own as your audience is the public. Usually, you are using the newspaper as a way of expressing an opinion, making a protest, reacting to someone else’s letter, offering praise or thanks or asking for information — but they are all matters which are important to the citizens of the country and which you feel to be shared.
Although letters to the press often express strong feeling or opinions, always try to express yourself clearly and objectively, giving the balance to your arguments. Often it is sufficient to simply address the editor as “Sir”. Identify the subject of your letter in the opening sentences.
Reports: In all reports remember: Read the instructions very carefully, establish for whom the report is intended. Jot down a brief outline, indicating what you will cover in each paragraph; checks that you have done all you were asked to do. Provide a title. Make sure that the main facts are contained in the opening sentences (for example, if reporting an event, you would say what it was, where and when).
Keep your expression simple, clear and concise. Include only material which is relevant but add information where it is necessary to make something clear (as long as the instructions do not specifically state the opposite). Write in continuous prose, as a general rule, not in note form — but do not be wordy or flowery.
We will pick it up from here next time.
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