Valencia Ndhlovu, Sunday News Reporter
THE Bulawayo City Council (BCC) has announced that it will be carrying out a Covid-19 vaccination programme for all eligible citizens as the country strives to reach herd immunity and minimize the spread of the viral pandemic.
The programme will be carried out in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Child Care from 6 to 11 February 2023.
In a notice, the local authority said the programme will be conducted at schools, municipal clinics, central hospitals as well as selected outreach points.
“The campaign will target eligible populations due for dose 1, dose 2, and dose 3 in an effort to reach herd immunity, it will further increase vaccination protection against severe COVID-19 manifestation,” stated the notice.
Zimbabwe has recorded 106 new covid 19 cases during the past 24 hours on the seven-day rolling average for new cases has risen to 108 from 107 recorded on Saturday.
The programme is in line with the Government’s continued call for people to get vaccinated against Covid-19 to increase immunity and reduce mortality risks.