The Sunday News

Delightful Decor: Plants and flowers for your bedroom

THERE is nothing soothing like an addition of beautiful plants and flowers in your bedroom . . . having flowers and plants in your bedroom is one way of ensuring a better quality of sleep. Another advantage of having flowers and plants is that they bring a new great look, filter the air around the room, add colour, liveliness, they have fantastic relaxing and purifying benefits . . . which in turn can provide a healthy sleeping pattern.

Being surrounded by flowers in your bedroom also ensures a goodnight sleep. These sleepless nights can take their toll on our energy, efficiency, mood and overall quality of life. In this week’s column we will explore different types of flowers and plants that we can use in our bedrooms and provide a goodnight sleep.

Lavender is one of the famous plant which is loved by almost everyone because of its scent and its ability to induce sleep in the process reducing anxiety levels. Research proves that it can be used for medicinal purposes, its scent slow down heart rate, lower blood pressure and levels of stress. Some say the smell of lavender can reduce crying in babies sending them into a deep sleep. New mothers can use this technique in order to reduce stress in both the mother and new born babies.

Snake plant is known for improving indoor air quality. What’s great about this plant is that it emits oxygen at night time whilst simultaneously taking in carbon dioxide — something we naturally produce when breathing. All this leads to a purer quality of air and a better night’s sleep. The snake plant also filters some nasty but common household toxins (namely formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene) from the air.

Peace lily is pleasing to the eye and it helps filter some substances. The moisture given off by these striking flowers can boost a room’s humidity by up to 5 percent. This suppresses airborne microbes which can lead to allergies, and also helps relieve those irritating dry noses and throats that keep you awake all night.

Bamboo palm can also be used for air purification purposes which means that it relieves people from buying air fresheners.

Not only will you be able to enjoy your home’s pure, fresh air during the day, but you will enjoy a fantastic night’s sleep too.

This will bring a natural feel in your room. It is also known as reed palm.

Golden pothos with its heart-shaped leaves is not only used as a decorative tool, but as air purifying plant. This is one of the plants that does not require much when nurturing it in the sense that it needs a couple of hours of morning sun and a little water once a week is all it requires . . . even with a busy schedule you can keep this one. It makes a great hanging plant too which curbs its invasive nature and keeps its mildly toxic leaves out of the reach of pets and children.

Avoid overwatering. More plants die from too much moisture than the other way around. Keep a plastic or ceramic plant saucer below the plant, taking care that no moisture will damage carpet or wood surfaces, but never let your houseplant sit in standing water for more than an hour.

Some of the plants and flowers that can be used include: Jasmine, dracaena, zeezee plant, rubber tree, English Ivy, scented geranium and cast iron plant.

Till next time.

Additional information from Online.

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