eGP system upgraded

04 Feb, 2025 - 11:02 0 Views
eGP system upgraded Mr Clever Ruswa

Judith Phiri, Business Reporter

THE Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) has upgraded the electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) system from Phase 1.1 to Phase 1.3.

Phase 1.2 involves e-evaluation, e-award and e-contract management, while Phase 1.3 includes framework agreements and management information systems which takes care of the reports generated by the eGP system.

Officially launched by President Mnangagwa in October 2023 and became operational on 1 January 2024, the eGP system enables all public entities and bidders to conduct procurement activities electronically.

In a statement to all accounting officers, PRAZ chief executive officer (CEO), Mr Clever Ruswa said the upgrade follows the eGP implementation schedule and the training done on Phase1.2 and phase 1.3 modules during the period 16 to 24 January 2025.

The system enhances competition, transparency, efficiency and integrity in public procurement in Zimbabwe, while facilitating faster decision-making by PRAZ and reducing the cost of procurement processes.

The online platform minimises human involvement in awarding tenders, thereby reducing opportunities for corruption.

Information about tenders, bidding criteria and awarded contracts are all accessible online, allowing more businesses to compete for Government projects.

The system automates tasks like submitting bids, evaluations and communication, speeding up the entire procurement process.

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