1 Know your Exam requirements
Know whether your examination requires a rubber, pencil , a ruler etc. Know the hours of your paper, the time when the exam will be written, whether it’s in the morning or afternoon. Plan accordingly. You can stick your statement of entry in your room and always read it so that you won’t forget the days your exams will be written.
2.Plan your day.
Plan what you will do every day. It’s now time for serious school business, there’s no time to waste. Time of school gossip, roaming around the school is over. Focus on your schoolwork. Sit down and read. Use your time wisely.
3.Practice past Exam papers.
After reading a topic or chapter, do past exam papers. Ask for past exam papers from your teachers and practice answering the question. Where you are not understanding, ask your Teachers for assistance . The more you do these past exam papers the more you become confident.
4.Prepare flashcards
and Flow charts.
Make diagrams, flowcharts and flashcards to simplify your notes . This will help you remember easily what you were reading. Added to that, you can as well prepare short notes. Writing down short notes will make you remember what you were reading.
5.Form Study Groups.
Study Groups helps sharing ideas and notes. In these study groups you can discuss past exam papers and topics of difficulty. This helps boosting confidence.
6.Get enough Sleep
Avoid staying late watching movies. Having enough sleep builds memory, so ensure that you get plenty of sleep. On the day of the examination make sure you get up early in the morning, eat something and drink good amount of water . This is essential for your brain to work at it’s best . Arrive at the exam on time .
7.Take deep breaths.
Before you get the question paper close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax. This will help you deal with any stress or anxiety you may be feeling. Read the exam papers completely before you start. Follow the instructions, present your work neatly. Remember to number your pages, and write your candidate number, your name and your surname on all your answer sheets.
8.Stay Focused
Keep your mind on track. Take a break from your phone and your friends. Do away with distractors such as having relationships, sex, smoking, drinking alcohol, watching pornography, etc.
On the day of the exam dress properly, have a proper school uniform, proper haircut, proper shoes and stockings. Avoid any mischief and focus on school work and exams. Above all bath in the morning, smell good, brush your teeth , be smart and presentable
On the day of the exam, don’t panic, start with an easy question, don’t sleep in the exam, don’t cheat, don’t revise what you wrote after the exam.
Remember God is the source of life. Talk to your God everyday, praising him, asking for strength and wisdom . With God all things are possible.Dr Manners Msongelwa/ +263 771 019 392/ Author/Youth Coach/Teacher