The Sunday News

Fashion habits that are unhealthy

Peter Matika
FASHION is an exciting but yet complex subject that many people — designers, fashion bloggers and stylists to be precise — have come up with different concepts and ideas to try and somehow understand it. Fashion can be lots of things, transformative, communicative but most importantly — fun.

However, besides fashion being fun it can also affect our health. Surprised? Well you really should be . . .

As we prance around trying to accomplish a certain look, we undergo many transitional changes to meet that accomplishment.

Particularly ladies are at the helm of this, as they are willing to go through thick and thin just to attain a certain outlook.

I am talking about things that we put on our bodies, as well as mind-sets we adopt for the sake of looking the part.

This often means we are not actually channelling legitimate style so much as we are just repeating what’s being dictated by hoardes of other people.

There are many fashion habits that people are oblivious of that are actually harmful to health.

I don’t know if I have ever mentioned this in my articles but many high heel-trotting women are likely to suffer back complications caused by wearing these heels.

According to an American doctor one of the worst things you can do for your body alignment is wear high heels.

The doctor observed that walking on the ball of your feet forces your torso to lean forward, simultaneously forcing women to straighten out by leaning back. This puts an incredible amount of stress on the spine and compresses its discs over time. It’s really important to remember that injury is cumulative: It generally doesn’t happen overnight. It can take weeks, months, or years of altered movement to show up as discomfort which often presents itself as cramping in the toes and calves, and pain in the back and hips.

While there might not be many things that boost a woman’s confidence quite like a killer pair of heels, they can be a serious hazard, causing an incredible amount of pain and discomfort. Ladies, there you read it sometimes those killer heels you nag your boyfriend, husband or you save for are not worth it after all.

I know I am probably going to get a huge lashing for this one but experts have said and proven that the bigger the bag, the more things we find to fill the bag.

It is said that women typically carry purses on one side, either on the shoulder or perched on their lower arm of their elbow. This uneven weight distribution prompts the body to shift causing muscle imbalances and a slew of alignment tissues, such as one shoulder being more developed and sitting higher than other.

Heavy bags can lead to neck discomfort and shoulder pain. The huge bags are stylish but come with a price. Yes they are nifty in the sense that you can carry all you want in a single bag but at the cost of damaging your body.

The next issue is the one of dieting. Restricting your food intake for the sake of looking sexy can actually cause your metabolism to slow down and your body to store more fat.

According to experts, along with a slowdown in metabolism, people who don’t eat wind up snacking, often taking in excessive sugar which is vile for the body, causing bloating and swelling.

I mean no disregard on this one; many . . . big bodied people have a tendency of squeezing into tiny outfits.

Ladies again are at the forefront, wiggling onto those skinny jeans and having them wrapped on your body tightly the whole day is not a good idea.

I understand that this actually slows your metabolism, affecting your focus and performance and deprives your cells of life.

However, if you’re holding your stomach in or keeping it tense all day to keep your jeans from popping, the diaphragm isn’t able to drop and allow room for the lungs to fill with air.

This, according to health experts causes tension in the body and is one of the reasons people experience so much shoulder and neck tension.

So not all we do in the name of fashion is good for our outlook, as it affects our health. So next time when you walk into a shop admiring something that you know will have you going through certain conditions just to look good in, don’t buy it.


No pants subway ride. That’s a shock indeed. Being nude is always embarrassing, worse in public. Thanks for having a good President (President Mugabe) who never allows those disgraceful acts to our land. — 0775953148.

Till next week, let’s keep styling. For feedback please sms or WhatsApp ONLY 0772337433.