The Sunday News

Free things to do in the most expensive cities

Nothing makes a traveler tremble more than having booked a holiday and, while having that dreamy cup of coffee over the papers, you spot your destination of choice glowing brightly on the list of ‘The World’s Most Expensive Cities!’ All of a sudden your thoughts of luxurious lounging evaporate in your coffee steam and suddenly you picture yourself splitting an overpriced cheeseburger over two meals.

But not so! If you are destined for one of the 10 cities that topped The Economist’s 2011 Worldwide Cost of Living Index (FYI the order runs: 1. Tokyo, 2. Oslo, 3. Osaka, 4. Paris, 5. Zurich, 6. Sydney, 7. Melbourne, 8. Frankfurt, 9. Geneva, 10. Singapore) we’ve found some free things to do while you’re there. You’ll come home one of those annoying travelers who says “No, I actually came home with money!”

1. Tokyo
Tokyo has always had that pricey reputation, although simply wandering the pulsating neon doesn’t cost a yen and thrills every time. But for some other attractions with no wallet required, check out:

2. Oslo
Day-to-day costs in stylish Oslo can separate you from your savings pretty swiftly, but museums are often free (or free with an Oslo Pass). Here are a few ways to spend some time, and not your cash:

3. Sydney
Okay, Sydney actually came in at No. 6 but for the sake of evening out the geography (Japan and Europe were hogging the top five), we’ll hit you up with Sydney freebies:

This story, Pricey, schmicey: free things in the world’s most expensive cities, originally appeared on