A new wave of the endemic disease, anthrax has been reported in Gokwe, Midlands, the Ministry of Healthy and Child Care has reported.
In the Disease Surveillance Report for the week ending November 24, the MOHCC said 17 new anthrax cases were recorded in Gokwe, with nine cases in Gokwe South district, and eight in Gokwe North district. No deaths were reported.
A similar number of cases was recorded at the beginning of last month in the two Gokwe districts and Mutoko district in Mashonaland East province.
Anthrax is endemic in Zimbabwe and outbreaks are reported almost annually with 513 cases of human infections reported in several districts.
At the same time there were many livestock infections, and 36 livestock deaths forcing the government to import 426 000 anthrax vaccine doses from Botswana to contain the outbreak.
In the Disease Surveillance Report, the ministry reported that 610 dog bite cases were recorded around the country but no deaths were reported.
The report said 149 (24%) of these cases involved vaccinated dogs, 135 (22%) unvaccinated dogs and 326 (54%) were by dogs of unknown status.
“The highest number of dog bite cases reported this week were from Midlands province (105) and Mashonaland West province (81) bringing the cumulative figures for dog bites to 25 820 and 0 deaths,” said the report.
The report indicated that 319 malaria cases and one death were reported during this period.
The death was reported by Sally Mugabe Central Hospital in Harare province. Of the cases, 53 (15%) involved children under five years of age.
“The provinces that reported the highest number of cases were Manicaland (136) and Mashonaland Central (75). The cumulative figures for malaria cases are 39 037 and 86 deaths,” said the ministry.
“Eight (8) suspected typhoid cases and no deaths were reported this week.
The suspected cases were reported from Northern district and Western district in Bulawayo province.
The cumulative figure for suspected typhoid cases is 262 and 0 deaths. 343 dysentery cases and no deaths were reported this week.
The provinces that reported the highest number of clinical dysentery cases were Mashonaland Central (88) and Mashonaland East (54). The cumulative figures for dysentery are 15 695 cases and 0 deaths.”
During the same period, 6 201 common diarrhoea cases and 2 deaths were reported.
The deaths were reported from Sally Mugabe Central Hospital (1) in Harare Metropolitan province and Shurugwi district (1) Midlands province with 46 percent of the reported cases involving children under the age of five.
“The provinces that reported the highest number of cases were Mashonaland East (1 228) and Manicaland (894).
The cumulative figures for common diarrhoea are 328 038 cases and 164 deaths,” said the ministry.
New Ziana