The Sunday News

Gates and doors

Sunday sermon ,with Apostle Chisale

Greetings beloved nation in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We want to talk about gates or doors. First of all, I want to give a definition of gates and doors. (i)Gate; it is an opening in a wall or fence; a means of entrance or exit; a barrier by which an entry is closed and opened. (ii)Door; it is a means of access or a barrier by which an entry is closed and opened. Everything that surrounds us in our lives has doors and gates. The city that we are in has got gates and not only that, it has got gatekeepers and watchers.

As human beings you also have got gates. That’s why the bible says in Matthew 12:43-44 that demons call human beings houses and even God calls us the temple of the Holy Spirit.

It means if we are houses, we have got gates and doors. Our destinies have got gates and doors as well.
The earth has got doors that’s why one time we hear in the bible in Numbers 16:32 that the earth opened up and swallowed people and closed up again.

Marriages have got doors and gates; nations also have got doors and gates. There are doors in our lives that need to be closed and there are doors that need to be opened.

Someone may ask where these doors are. These doors are spiritual. They are the same doors that can usher in calamity, sickness and disfavour into your life and anything else that is negative.

They can also usher in prosperity, favour, lifting, good health and influence for you.

So, we need to close these doors from negative things. So, meaning we can live in this world while the doors of the territories in this world are closed or open.

Many people may be asking themselves why they have been in this city or any other city and they are not achieving much, yet a foreigner comes and becomes prosperous in the same city.

This is simple because gates and doors are closed for them and are open for the foreigner, that’s why they prosper. As long as doors to your life are closed nothing good will happen to you.

Let us not forget that heaven itself has got doors or windows. By the spirit of God, God wants to help his people by closing certain doors that have been attracting wrong things in God’s people and open doors for good things to come in our lives.

When we look at Isaiah 60:11, it says, ‘your gates will be opened continuously and they will not be closed day or night’. So, your life has got gates that need to be opened continuously January to December, Monday to Sunday, 24/7.

The bible says they shall never be closed day and night so that men will bring their wealth of nations. Not only that the bible says kings shall be brought to you. We cannot speak about kings without speaking of territories.

I pray that by the keys of the house of David, we open you up to wealth. We discover that wealth is more than we think it is, it can be brought into your life. Some of you when wealth is coming to you it finds the gates of your life closed by demonic activities surrounding your life.

Some doors are closed by your negative speech. Your tongue affects your spiritual gate and it automatically closes. In life if we don’t deal with gates, we will not see that which God has promised us finding expression in our lives.
Some of you are supposed to be far off in life but because of gates of your life that have been closed for good things to come, they turn back because they find the gates or doors of your life closed.

In the book of Matthew 28:1-2 we see that at the tomb of Jesus there was a rock and that rock was a door that was placed at the mouth of the tomb where Jesus was buried.

When we read the other gospels, we are told that Mary and others were discussing about who will help them to push away that heavy stone so that they may find access to the tomb of Jesus.

We also hear about the ministry of angels. The bible says there was a great earthquake and the angel descended from heaven and rolled away the stone.

That stone was representing the gate, a means of entrance or exit. So, the stone was coming between these women so that they may not enter.

But we see the ministry of angels where the angel helped to roll away this gate which was a stone.

Remember these gates are heavy and they don’t need physical strength because they are spiritual in nature. There is someone right now who is asking why I am not married, why this sickness is not going away.

My dear brethren the gates to your marriage, health, employment, it  needs the ministry of angels to open up for you.
The bible says the angel rolled away the stone and sat on it as a sign of victory and mockery to the devil and to all familiar spirits that have placed certain barriers or doors, but they have been closed for your glory to manifest.

While Jesus was on earth he would continuously confess and tell his disciples that after three days he will arise.

Those words were recorded in heaven and that’s why at his resurrection there was assistance from heaven.

The Holy Spirit played at crucial role in raising him from the dead because (i) the prophetic was upon his life and (ii) the angelic ministry played a crucial role of rolling away the stone from the mouth of the tomb so that he could come out.

There are people with big dreams and visions, but these are yet to manifest. The door in your life is closed for that dream or vision.

I pray in the name of Jesus that the dream or vision begins to manifest and that let there be an earthquake caused by angels to roll away that stone or to cause it to roll away.

May God bless you all.

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To be continued