The Sunday News

Get into shape: Muscles in motion

Simon Gama

Push Press
BODYBUILDERS typically execute exercises at a slow to moderate speed, however, doing some exercises that are explosive faster is very effective for developing the white fast twitch fibres which have great potential for hypertrophy.

One such exercise that involves not only the legs but also the shoulders and arms is the push press. In essence it involves some actions from the squat as well as the overhead press in a forceful high intensity movement.

Major muscles involved

In the shoulder joint the interior deltoid and upper pectoralis major. In the shoulder girdle for rotating and elevating the scapula. Serrates interior upper and lower trapezius, lavatory scapulae and rhomboid. In the elbow joint the triceps Brach.

The deltoid originates on the cuter third of the clavick, the top of the acromion and the posterior border of the scapular spine.

It inserts on the humerus just above the centre of the scapular spine. It inserts on the humerus just above the deltoid attachment.

The serratus anterior originates on the upper eight or nine ribs at the side of the chest and inserts on the anterior surface of the medical border of the scapula.

The trapezius a large flat sheer of muscle on the upper and middle portion of the back originates on the base of the skull ligament of the neck and seventh cervical to 12th thoracic vertebrae.

It inserts along the outer third of the posterior border of the clavicle the top of the acromion and the upper border of the scapular spine. The rhomboid originates on the spinout processes of the last cervical and the first five thoracic vertebrae and inserts on the medial border of the scapula.

The lavatory scapulae originates on the transverse process of the upper four cervical vertebrae and inserts on the medical border of the scapula. The triceps brachia lateral head originates on the back of the humerus from the middle of the shaft almost to the very top.

The medical head originates on the lower portion at the numerous for nearly two third of the length of the bone and the long head originates run into a common tendon which inserts on the elecianin process of the ulna in the forearm. The quadriceps muscle is not involved to the extent of the shoulders and arms so it is not discussed.

Stand with feet parallel and shoulder width apart. Hold dumbbells or barbell.

The weight should be relatively heavy (heavier than you usually use in the overhead press for the same number of repetitions) high on the upper chest with the trands pronated facing forward in the case and slightly wider than the shoulder width apart.

Bend the knees slightly and then vigorously extend the legs and simultaneously push the weight upward. Make the movements quick and forceful.

Keep your spine in its normal slightly arched position and pause at the top. Balance the weight and then return to the initial position under control and pause again. Repeat when ready.

Breathe in and hold your breath as you extend the legs and push the weight upward. Exhale on the return or when you pause on top.

Lower the weight and exhale as you reach the starting position.

Joint actions
In the push press the arms are extended straightened overhead from an on the chest position. The legs are also extended to assist early movement of the bar.

Sports uses
Body builders use this exercise to build up deltoids, upper pecs serratus anterior and the upper and lower portions of the middle back.

The combination of the shoulder joint flexion and elbow joint extension are used in many sports that require an overhead pushing or reaching action.

This action plays a major role in the weight lifting events such as the jerk and military press and in gymnastics when doing the handstand. It is also used in acrobatics, hand balancing and other overhead movements.

Overhead press strengths is involved in all overhead lifting actions, for example, the tennis serve and smash ceiling shot in racquet ball and overhead clear in badminton.


1. The main purpose of this exercise is to use greater than usual weight which recruits more muscle to develop greater strength and mass.

However, don’t think it’s an easy exercise because of the assistance from the legs. You must still rely heavily on the pressing action with the arms. Be sure to raise the weight until the arms are fully extended.

2. During execution make sure your spine remains in its natural position slightly arched position. Do not lean backward and cause the spine to hyper extend since this can cause injury.

If you find you cannot do the exercise in strict form use lighter weights. When you use heavy weights you tend to hyper extend the spine.

3. Breathing is important when heavy weights are used. Since you are raising a weight overhead you must maintain a strong and rigid trunk. This is needed to keep your spine stable and get more power and to give the muscles involved a firm base from which to contract.

Be sure not only that your mid-section especially the lower back. Muscles are under isometric contraction but also that you hold your breath momentarily while overcoming the most difficult up and down portions of the exercise.

4. If you start to lose your balance place one leg slightly in front of the other but still keep them shoulder distance apart. You will also be less likely to arch your back in this position.

To prevent loss of balance look directly forward with your head in a normal upright position. Looking up may cause you to lose your balance and fall backward.

5. Do not over emphasise the leg action. The push press is essentially on overhead press and the legs contribute some force in the inhale stages to help get the weight moving.

Do not go into a deep squat before executing the movement. The key to doing this exercise is to lower yourself at a moderate rate of 15-25 degrees and then quickly reverse direction to utilise the energy stored in the eccentric contraction.

This energy helps get you moving upward which creates same moving inertia of the weights. This in turn allows the shoulder joint and elbow joint muscles to contract with force to continue the movement.

If instead you went into a very deep squat you would lose all ability to switch the eccentric tension into the concentric overhead movement. It becomes a different type of muscle action.

6. For variety instead of holding the elbows forward you can hold the elbows down and the sides. In the variant you use more at the middle deltoid and the supraspinatus muscles.

By the alternating the two positions you can get greater shoulder development.—Additional information from Online sources.
n The writer, Simon Gama, is a fitness coach at Bodyworks gym in Bulawayo.