How to overcome lust

03 Nov, 2024 - 00:11 0 Views
How to overcome lust

LUST is an intense desire for something. Lust can take any form such as the lust for sexuality or money. As a student, you need to be careful and not be a victim of lust.

Ways to deal with lust
Set yourself boundaries
Avoiding temptations can help you manage your desires. For instance, if you’re tempted to look at porn whenever you’re on your phone or laptop, download an app or browser extension to block tempting websites. Or, if you’re struggling with sexual feelings about a particular person, limit how much time you spend with them if possible.
If you lust over a specific person, avoid checking their social media or status or doing things to get their attention.

Make a list of reasons to resist
Clearly defining your values can strengthen your resolve. When you set a goal for yourself, for example, resisting sexual temptation—it helps to have a clear idea of why you’re doing it. Write down the main reasons why overcoming lust is important to you, and review it any time you feel your resolve is starting to slip. For example, your reasons might include things like:
“I want to wait on having sex until I’m married because sexual intimacy is sacred and special to me.” “Self-discipline is an important part of life. I want to overcome lustful thoughts to improve my relationship with my God.
“I don’t want unwanted sexual urges and behaviours to damage my relationships or cause problems in my life.”

Identify your triggers

Understanding your desires makes it easier to control them. Next time you experience feelings of lust, think about what’s going on. For example, do you get more unwanted sexual thoughts when you’re stressed out or bored? What about when you’re around certain people or in specific places?
Write down a list of things that seem to trigger those unwanted thoughts and feelings, and jot down some ideas about how to deal with those triggers. For instance, if you realise that those lustful thoughts show up more when you’re bored, look for ways to keep your mind busy. Try listening to music while you’re doing boring tasks. You might realise that you’ve been using sexual thoughts or behaviours to cope with stress. Set an intention to find new coping methods and form healthier habits.

Find healthy ways to keep yourself busy
Focus on activities that help you feel good about yourself instead of focusing on the person you’re lusting over.

Prayer can help you find peace and clarity. God answers prayers, so if you are struggling with issues like lust and temptation, seek the hand of God. With God you won’t go wrong. He is faithful.
Remember, everything starts in the mind. Change the mindset and be delivered.
Dr Manners Msongelwa is an author, teacher and youth coach. He can be contacted on +263 771 019 392

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