Dr Obert Moses Mpofu
POLITICS is everywhere.
Wherever there are two or more people, politics follows.
This stems from the simple fact that people naturally have divergent views.
There is nothing wrong at all in disagreeing.
As a matter of fact, it is our differences at an individual level that are crucial in shaping our progress.
Through such divergences, we are able to interrogate issues until we find the appropriate solution for whatever matter will be at hand.
However, it should not all be about politics all the time.
There is a season for politics and there is a season for focusing on other important issues that are central to the nation’s agenda; for instance, development.
Zimbabwe is experiencing its golden age through unprecedented development.
It is truly glorious.
Long back, before independence, we never envisioned that our nation would come this far.
We had no clue of our own capabilities and what we could achieve.
Now, here we are, almost a half-century after independence and we have exceeded all expectations.
We have been able to do the most with the little that we had.
Our future generations will, without a doubt, be proud of the strides we have made and the positive things we have been able to achieve for this great nation.
So much has been done, but there is still a lot more that we need to achieve to ensure that we secure the future for posterity.
Both past and present are crucial for securing a bright future.
Through leaning on lessons from our past and drawing energy from our present, we will achieve great things.
Yes, we may have struggled along the way, but the end result of what we have now was truly worth every difficult step we took.
Nation-building is not an easy task.
It takes a lot of dedication and sacrifice.
We have managed to spur our nation towards our desired destination.
More work, however, still needs to be done.
Perhaps it is time we reflect on what is important to us as a nation.
There is no doubt that we are evolving as a people and as a nation.
As much as evolution is a good thing, we should not lose who we are or expend our energy on the immaterial.
As a nation, it has become apparent that we are a highly political people.
We do take our politics seriously.
It is perhaps time that we stop making everything political.
Zimbabwe’s development should take centre stage at this point in time.
The fixation on petty politics should now be a thing of the past.
Petty politics will not serve our agenda.
We are all required to work towards fulfilling our nation’s desires.
All our efforts must be channelled towards uplifting our country and our people.
The simple reason why I make this argument is that, after all has been said and done and beyond politics and all, Zimbabwe remains and will always remain.
So, if we are to focus on the politics, it should be a positive type of politics that is capable of spurring our nation forward.
This politics should not be the centre of our existence.
Let us, therefore, learn to practice positive politics, and such a practice should last only for a season so that most of our energy is expended on things that bear fruit and positive change for our beloved nation.
Zimbabweans are clearly a progressive people; there is no doubt about that.
This is why we have come so far in such a short space of time.
We have broken new ground and have always set the tone for our fellow black men in the quest for total emancipation.
We are daring and this has enabled us to reach greater heights.
Now, with the economic revolution being spearheaded by His Excellency, President Mnangagwa, I have no doubt that better days lie ahead.
We all need to have buy-in in Project Zimbabwe and believe.
We are in the right direction.
We are poised to achieve the unimaginable.
There is time for politicking and there is time for nation-building.
We should, for now, channel our efforts towards the latter.
There will be time for politicking later, but for now, Zimbabwe’s future is the most important thing we should focus on.
Let us all place our efforts on what we can do for our country as opposed to what our country can do for us.
That time will surely come when Zimbabwe will attain her economic emancipation and our people will live in a prosperous land.
n Dr Obert Moses Mpofu is an academic and the Secretary-General of Zanu-PF. He writes in his own capacity.