The Sunday News

It’s not what you wear; it’s how you wear it

MANY people believe that for one to appear fashion savvy or fashionable they have to wear expensive labels. I somehow find it amusing when clothes from designer labels such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Versace and Polo to mention a few, resemble ordinary garb designed by any designer. To me it somehow pokes fun at some of these high end fashion labels and assets, my notion that wearing a label doesn’t mean that you have style.
The impression given by clothes (expensive or cheap) depends entirely on the person wearing them.

So actually, I like it when people wear clothes from cheaper brands like they are Gucci or any other expensive label. It denotes a true understanding of fashion spiced with self-confidence and desire to make the clothes you are wearing look expensive. Personally I hardly go for these expensive labels. Who would know if it is an expensive label or not? Besides the label or tag would be on the inside and only you and the person that does your laundry would know.

I’m sure most of us will recall our high school days when a couple of pupils would set certain trends, which we found cool. In just a couple of days other pupils would start mimicking the trend, such as dropping pants or with the ladies miniskirts or dresses.

Of course, the trends would never look so good on other people. The secret was not in the style but in the person and the way he or she wore it.
Other people couldn’t achieve the same magic with some of these trends because it’s not what suited them; it’s how they wore it.

On the other hand, even an exquisite outfit made by these so-called expensive labels can look very much sappy; if you don’t wear it right.
I am sure most of us are familiar with extravagant red carpet events, which many women spend so much money on, buying expensive outfits, which in many instances don’t work in spite of the best celebrity stylist.

Fashion can help immensely, but it cannot guarantee you that you will look amazing.
Since I know that how I look depends more on myself than my clothes, I don’t believe in stratification of fashion. Local and foreign labels are equally important in my wardrobe.

What people should learn to seek in clothes should not always be about expression of devotion for a certain brand or style but refined and dignified quality in clothing that one should exude when wearing.

So at the end of the day you will find that a person wearing a cheap line label may appear much more stylish and extravagant than a person wearing an outfit that would have cost thousands of dollars.

I think people who wear these expensive labels in Zimbabwe and developing countries in general just have issues in gratifying their confused vanity.
Anyway I received an e-mail this week from the Matabeleland Fashion Week organisers informing me when the event is to be launched and what it’s all about. I guess after my little rant a fortnight ago, our fashion stakeholders may have realised the importance of the media and spreading the word about events concerning the fashion industry.

Our industry needs all the help it can to rekindle it.
According to the e-mail, I am told the event seeks to showcase fashion and cultural trends of the people of Matabeleland.
The event was founded by AM Model Management in partnership with the Heath Streak Academy in May 2014.

The debut fashion week will be held on 1 November this year at Heath Streak Academy.
The event will be a Red Carpet show, where local designers are expected to converge and showcase.
I am also informed that there will be an international designer to grace the event.

Also to make the event interesting there will be special prizes for outstanding individuals.
“The primary purpose is to empower people, societies, businesses and the community to appreciate the fashion industry. The fashion week will showcase designs and products in the fashion industry of Zimbabwe, Matabeleland in particular, thereby creating a network of designs, designers and customers in the fashion industry. Matabeleland Fashion Week is an exhibition created and founded by Amanda Mutangadura an ‘Image Consultant’ in 2014,” read part of the e-mail.

It was further stated that the primary vision was to work with all stakeholders in the fashion industry, from up and coming models, designers, fashion retailers and international fashion professionals, so as to transform and brand local fashion, as people of Matabeleland, Zimbabwe.
They also seek to promote Matabeleland fashion brands, trends and the quality of fashion design from Matabeleland.

“We seek to provide a favourable platform for emerging fashion professionals, which includes designers, models and promoters in the Matabeleland region. Create opportunities for marketing of Matabeleland products in Zimbabwe and the region. This is a chance for designers, models and retailers to showcase service and products at regional, national and international levels.”

Hey Peter I love your articles. — 0783551354
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