Matabeleland celebrates appointment of 11 ministers

17 Sep, 2023 - 00:09 0 Views
Matabeleland celebrates appointment of 11 ministers Dr Obert Moses Mpofu 

Robin Muchetu, Senior Reporter

MATABELELAND Provinces are basking in the glory of recognition following the appointment of Cabinet by President Mnangagwa which saw 11 politicians from the region getting appointed to various portfolios. 

Bulawayo, Matabeleland North and Matabeleland South provinces got a fair share of ministerial appointments with 11 politicians getting senior appointments in the new Cabinet largely seen as a fulfilment of President Mnangagwa’s philosophy of leaving no one and no place behind in representation.

Among key appointments made by President Mnangagwa was the re-appointment of Cde Kembo Mohadi as one of the Vice- Presidents of the country, the re-appointment of Professor Mthuli Ncube who now heads the extended Ministry of Finance and Investment Promotion, and Cde Edgar Moyo who heads the Energy and Power Development Ministry. Cde Sithembiso Nyoni was retained to Cabinet in a different portfolio of Industry and Commerce while Cde Nqobizitha Mangaliso Ndlovu is now Minister of Environment, Climate and Wildlife.

Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu

The region also got deputy ministers in the persons of Brigadier-General (Retired) Levi Mayihlome, the Umzingwane legislator who was appointed Deputy Minister of Defence, Cde Dingumuzi Phuti from Bulilima in Matabeleland South who retained his post as the Deputy Minister of Information Communication, Postal and Courier Services, and Bubi constituency legislator Cde Simelisizwe Sibanda who came in as the Deputy Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development. 


The above ministers add to the three Ministers of State for Provincial Affairs, two of which retained their positions. Cde Richard Moyo retained his position in Matabeleland North while Cde Judith Ncube was retained in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. President Mnangagwa also appointed former Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Cde Evelyn Ndlovu as Minister of State for Provincial Affairs in Matabeleland South Province taking over from Cde Abednico Ncube.

Senior politicians in the province paid their gratitude to President Mnangagwa for awarding ministerial positions to a number of politicians in the region with Politburo member Cde Richard Maduke Ndlovu saying they were thankful to the President.

“Despite a dismal performance from the region, the President walked his talk in leaving no one and no place behind in Cabinet representation. We have some powerful ministries in the Government and we are thankful. He balanced the act by blending the new and the old and we are happy that our young people are getting recognised. It is from the realisation that the future of the country belongs to young people and it’s very important that they understudy their political elders to get the correct ideology so that they don’t lose focus when their time to lead comes,” said Cde Ndlovu.

He added that the combination of Cde Mayihlome and Minister Oppah Muchinguri in the Defence Ministry was a masterstroke. He said for purposes of continuity, Prof Ncube was going to ensure that the macroeconomic stabilisation measures that brought inflation down were going to be sustained while Cde Nyoni is believed to have an appreciation of what is required in the revival of industry especially in Bulawayo.

Minister Dr Sithembiso Nyoni

The party’s Secretary for Administration, Dr Obert Mpofu, said the Cabinet was well-balanced and showed that President Mnangagwa was a people-centred leader.

“The Cabinet members who were serving in the previous Government will be joined by new members, who are also equally qualified and are capable of fitting into and delivering upon the President’s development agenda. Continuity is further ensured through the reappointment of Zanu-PF’s Second Secretaries, Retired General Dr C.D.G.N. Chiwenga and Retired Colonel Kembo Mohadi. These reappointments demonstrate that the President has trust and confidence in his lieutenants and his entire team at large,” he said.

Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere told our sister paper, The Herald that the recent Cabinet appointments should be seen in the context of merit, gender, regional balance and generational mix.

He said the ministers were selected on the basis of merit, generational mix, and after careful scrutinisation of the professional backgrounds and ability to deliver service in fulfilment of the ruling party’s election promises. — NyembeziMu


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