Dr Obert Moses Mpofu
THE year 2025 has come at us really fast. The year 2024 was a remarkable one. The Party went on with its business as usual, achieving a number of successes and milestones along the way. The year 2025 should be no different. As a matter of fact, the Party is poised to grow from strength to strength and achieve further milestones.
As the New Year is now upon us, it offers a clean slate and a chance to introspect as well as take some corrective actions. The year 2024 was quite an eventful one and for my Party the highlight of the year was the annual National People’s Conference that we successfully held in Bulawayo Province. We set the tone for Government programmes through the Conference Resolutions and these resolutions should translate to actionable governmental programmes that will result in massive benefits and improved livelihoods for our people.
In the year 2024, we achieved quite a number of successes and managed to meet our targets, again demonstrating that the Zanu-PF Party is a well piped professional entity. Just like any other organisation, we always seek to improve ourselves and streamline our operations so as to meet the needs of our electorate, whom we treat with the utmost respect.
The year 2025 will be no different, Zanu-PF is set to take the Party to the people through several programmes. One of the most important programmes that we are set to complete this coming year is the cell/ village verification programme.
This is essential for our Party’s renewal as well as ensuring that all our members are captured in cell registers so that they are not left behind.
In addition to this, the Party will strive to ensure that our people’s needs are met and people-centric programmes are delivered, through the government which is our implementing agent.
As we accelerate our journey towards Vision 2030, through the implementation of National Development Strategy 2, we need all our people to have a buy-in of our nation’s vision. Zimbabwe is for all Zimbabweans and we should all play our part in its development. Those who harbour ill-will towards their country should perhaps rethink their misguided ways and channel all their energy towards the nation’s development. If we are all united, and are patriotic, there is nothing that we cannot achieve. Our nation will soar to greater heights. We are all duty-bound and have an obligation to ensure that our nation prospers. We must not waste time on trivial squabbles that draw our attention and waste our energy. We are in the final stretch of ensuring that the firm foundation for our upper-middle-income economy is set and that we are full steam ahead towards this goal that is set to change our nation and improve the livelihoods of our people.
The year 2025 should be a time for introspection and we should really get in touch with our nation’s values. We should all be on board with the vision of His Excellency President Cde Dr ED Mnangagwa. His vision is for the betterment of our country and our people. We are therefore called upon to channel our energy towards ensuring that our nation prospers. Let us be a people that put Zimbabwe first over anything else, and anything that is good for our nation should take precedence.
We are closer now towards fulfilling our nation’s goals than ever before. We should take pride in the strides we have made and achievements reached so far. We are indeed closer to our golden age than ever before. The new Zimbabwe we are building is a marvel and our future generations will be proud and grateful to us for having made such efforts towards improving our nation. As we venture into this fresh new year, let us all put Zimbabwe and her interests first and trust in the guidance of our leadership as it is essential for reaching our Vision as a nation. Zimbabwe will prosper. A prosperous Zimbabwe is indeed possible, and we are living in the transition towards that prosperity. Dr Obert Moses Mpofu is an academic and the Secretary-General of Zanu-PF. He writes in his own capacity.