‘No to unauthorised importation of seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals’

13 Nov, 2024 - 10:11 0 Views
‘No to unauthorised importation of seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals’

Judith Phiri, Business Reporter

AS the country is now at peak-selling period for agro-inputs, farmers across the country was have been cautioned to be on the look out for seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals that find their way into the country being imported unauthorised.

As part of its mandate, the Agricultural Research, Innovation and Specialist Services (ARISS) Directorate in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development is responsible for the administration of the Seed Act [Chapter 19:13], the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Remedies Act [Chapter 18:12] and the Plant Pests and Diseases Act [Chapter 19:08].

In a statement, the Department advised farmers and the general public that unauthorised importation of seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals from other jurisdictions was prohibited.

“Farmers and the general public are further advised that the importation of seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals from other jurisdictions is done by licensed and authorised seed houses and agro-dealers following due process,” read part of the statement.

“Applications for importation of seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals are subjected to the requisite due-diligence quality assurance, phytosanitary and environmental risk analysis in accordance with the country’s laws to ensure compliance to the specifications of the relevant regulatory quality assurance and biosecurity frameworks.”

The ARISS Directorate said there were dangers on the use of smuggled or illegally imported seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals, and that that their use or sale was prohibited.

It said unauthorised seeds were a high-risk pathway for the spread of pests and diseases from other jurisdictions and therefore present a threat to the country’s biosecurity.

The Department added: “Unapproved varieties may not be adapted to Zimbabwe’s agro-ecological conditions thereby exposing farmers to economic losses. Smuggled fertilisers and agro-chemicals violate the country’s quality assurance regulations thereby exposing farmers to serious potential losses besides the obvious harm to the environment, human and animal health.”

The ARISS Directorate said unauthorised importation of seeds, fertilisers and agro-chemicals violate intellectual property rights (breeders’ rights and trade marks) which negatively impact on the country’s reputation as a safe destination for investment in the agriculture sector.

It said the country’s seed and fertilisers regulatory framework protects Zimbabwe’s agriculture through a robust quality assurance and certification system which protects farmers, protects the environment and prevents entry/spread of pests and diseases.

“Farmers must make sure they purchase certified agro-inputs from registered agro-dealers only to avoid being duped by unscrupulous dealers selling counterfeit and smuggled products. Take note that farmers have the right to ask for proof of registrationof any agro-dealer outlet for licensing confirmation.”

The Department said the media notice also serves as a warning to any would-be offenders that they will be prosecuted and face the full wrath of the law.

It called on members of the public to provide information on any suspected smugglers and bogus agro-dealers to the for immediate deployment of rapid response with support from law enforcement agencies in all provinces.


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