SCHOOLS are closing soon and it’s time to pass our final exams and end-of-year tests. Parents had to run around so that fees could be paid. For those at boarding schools parents had to use extra funds for pocket money and groceries. It was indeed a hard and harsh phase for the parents.
In some instances, parents take out loans for school fees. Some approached loan sharks in order to borrow school fees. Parents are struggling with our fees. Some have outstanding balances of this term’s fees.
In some instances, parents approach the school administration in order to make payment plans. Life is hard and challenging, parents are trying by all means possible to make sure that you don’t miss any lessons.
Parents are selling tomatoes, bananas, and clothes. Some are going to South Africa in search of greener pastures to raise school fees. Parents are sleeping in buses travelling so that enough money can be raised for school fees. Check their clothes. The last time they bought themselves new clothes was two years back, but you have everything: new shoes, new exercise books, a new satchel, new uniforms, a new blazer, and a new jersey.
Parents are stressed in order to prepare for their future. Some have developed health challenges such as BP and diabetes. They want to make sure you have everything you need for your education.
How do we repay our parents? Mischief and disciplinary issues. We forget everything and focus on distractors instead of lessons. Our phones are full of pornographic material, nudes and violent music. We engage in sexual relationships, school gossip and abuse the pocket money we are given.
Smoking and drinking will be the order of the day at school.
Some even abscond lessons and don’t write notes and exercises. Some bully other students and have disciplinary cases with the school administration every time. We forget all the hardships that our parents are going through to raise and pay the fees.
Repay the fees that the parents are toiling to get with hard work. For those who are working hard keep it up. The sky is the limit. Remember the way you use your time today will determine your tomorrow. What you plant today is what you harvest tomorrow.
Dr Manners Msongelwa is an author, teacher and youth coach. He can be contacted on +263771019392