The Sunday News

Prepare for your future well

Learners plan your future well now because research has shown that of the students starting school todays, 65% of them will end up at jobs that they do not like! Therefore, plan for your future now while there is still time to make wise decisions or you will regret later.

Create time to revise your school work
Learners you must set aside time to revise topics you learn at school. This will help your to remember concepts you have learnt and store it to your long term memory.

You can then retrieve the information during examination periods. Practice makes perfect. Also make sure you do your home works and assignments as this will help you to understand the topics you do at schools.

Look for examination papers yourselves do not wait for your teachers to give your, answer the questions and ask the teachers to mark for you.

Have a positive attitude
Having a positive attitude affects your educational outcomes. Positive attitude will propel you to work hard and thereby helping you to get good passes in your final examinations.

The statement “I subject le inzima” should not be come out of your lips.

Once you have negative attitude towards any subject in school, your effort in that subject diminishes and this will cause you to fail the subjects.

Know your strengths
Learners know your strengths and weaknesses. When this happens then you will be able to decide where to put more effort or not. For example learners must identify subjects they are good at and those they have weaknesses in. They can then work around on how they can improve them.

Knowing your strengths and weakness will greatly assist you in setting realistic goals for yourselves because you can judge what you are able to do or not.

For example if you have challenges in doing mathematics concepts then do not choose a career that need a lot of calculations as this will cause a lot of stress to in the work place as you will not be able to do your work properly.

Have good relationship with your teacher.

Learners please learn to respect and listen to your teachers because their role is to assist you to get good passes.
Good relationships with your teacher will make it easy for you to seek clarifications and guidance from them.
If you have challenges with certain topics ask your teachers to assist you.

Negative attitude towards your teachers can cause you to hate the subjects they are teaching which in turn affects the commitment you will have in studying those subjects. This will definitely cause to fail the subjects.
Our teachers have been conscientised to assist their learners where ever they need assistance.

Know what you want to be in future

Know the career you want do in future. Know the subjects you need for that career.
This will help you to avoid disappointments in future when you discover that you spent your school years doing wrong subject combinations.

This will have negative effects in your future as you will either repeat your studies to get the needed subjects or change hour career path.

Your educational systems directly affects your future. As Trust Academy we can assist you in choosing the right combination the first day you come to our school.

If you are not sure of right subject combination for your career, feel free to talk to us so that we can assist you.
This article is prepared and presented in the interest of providing free career guidance and counselling to all people who value education and training as a critical cornerstone to success in life.

Trust Academy invites all people with O-levels as well as degree holders who have a dilemma or are unsure of what career path to pursue to visit their offices on number:

52 Fort Street between 3rd and 4th Avenue for FREE career guidance.
Alternatively, write to: or WhatsApp 0773 616 665 or phone 0712 212 179