Youth Focus with Dr Manners Msongelwa
TO succeed is to accomplish, achieve, flourish, gain, get, overcome, prevail, prosper, realise, thrive, triumph or win. All these words define success. However, success is a process, not an event. It takes years of planning and preparation.
In order to win a five-minute athletic competition, one has to prepare for years. It takes discipline and dedication.
Footballers train several hours for many days just to play a 90-minute game and go straight back to training after each game.
Basketballers train several hours for several days just to play a game that lasts only 40-48 minutes and the routine continues, some deny themselves some kind of foods and drinks just for this.
The same applies to every profession. The great in every field of life take years to sharpen themselves in secret, display their skill for a few minutes or hours on stage and become popular.
You don’t just appear today and be known tomorrow, you want to start that business today and make a thousand dollars in profit next week, you want to record just one song or act in a single movie and just miraculously become a star…it doesn’t work that way, it’s a process.
True greatness is like a seed plant that needs nurturing and cultivation before fruits are produced.
Every seed is a potential tree and even a forest but not all seeds are one.
Start working hard now. Revise your work. Devise a study program that you follow. Use your time wisely.
Do away with all distractions and work. Doing well in exams doesn’t just happen, you need to work hard. Don’t pray for miracles during exam time, read now.
Devise a rigorous program that you follow every day. Prepare and remain consistent on your school work.
Remember, what you plant today is what you harvest tomorrow.
Dr Manners Msongelwa is an author, teacher and youth coach. He can be contacted on +263 771 019 392