The Sunday News

Rugs in the kitchen: Yea or nay?

Yoliswa Dube

THE kitchen is a dangerous place for textiles — crumbs, grease and red wine spills among other things. Yet in spite of this, a few brave souls put rugs in their kitchens.

There are plenty of advantages: rugs are a great way to add colour in a neutral-toned kitchen, and they add a little cushioning underfoot in a space where you spend a lot of time on your feet. Plus they’re just pretty. What do you think: is a rug in the kitchen a do or a don’t?

Whether you want to disguise flooring you don’t like, need a little something softer to stand on while you’re cooking or just need a boost of style, rugs in the kitchen are a fun way to accomplish all of those.

But with no furniture arrangements in a kitchen, it can sometimes be a little confusing as to how big, what shape and what kind of rug to incorporate into your kitchen.

A rug the perfect dimensions for the main area of the kitchen shouldn’t just fit the shape and size of the space; the design’s pattern should also fit with the colour palette of the room, too.

A long narrow kitchen begs for a long runner that takes up most of the floor space, making the room feel full and sophisticated.

In the same vein, placing a thinner runner in a long narrow kitchen can help make the space seem bigger, and leave plenty of the floor visible.

Who says you need a room-sized rug to make an impact? A small but potent one will do, for example, you can have one at the foot of your stove.

When you don’t have a lot of room, consider lots of colour and pattern to make a big visual impact.

Large kitchens could benefit from a bold, equally large rug that makes the space feel cozier.

You know what also works? Placing rugs where you need them most for comfort.

The rug will get dirty, like any other carpet — but just clean it when it does! — Life Writer