The Sunday News

SIS NOE: My partner has a low libido than me

Hi Sis Noe
My partner has a low libido than me. — Help
Inevitably, every couple will face the challenge of mismatched libidos at some point in time. The most important thing you can do is talk about it. If you want sex more often than your partner does, it’s likely that you underestimate how often they want it and they likely overestimate how often you want to have sex. Sit down and talk about it.

Hi Sis Noe
Is it possible to use condoms during oral sex? — Worried
It is not only possible, it is actually advised. Even if you’re on the pill or using another form of contraception (like an IUD), it’s a smart move to also use a condom in order to help prevent sexually transmitted diseases like HPV. And condoms aren’t reserved strictly for penetrative sex. Using condoms during oral sex is a safer choice and recommended if you don’t know your partner either at all or very well. One can be at risk of several STDs, including herpes, HIV, gonorrhoea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, or HPV in one’s throat when giving oral sex to a man.

Hi Sis Noe
My partner wants sex at night but I prefer to have it in the morning. — Worried.
You are not always going to want sex at the same time as your partner, so your best option is to compromise. Remember that you are not always going to be in the mood for sex — oftentimes, you have to get in the mood. Desire is not always spontaneous; you often need to get aroused before you experience sexual desire, so teach your partner how to arouse you and have them do the same. Agree, talk about it, sex is negotiated.

Hi Sis Noe
Why do people enjoy sex when it is so painful? — Curious
I take it you have had a few bad experiences? Sorry about that. There are many reasons why sex can be painful, and I highly suggest that you see your doctor if sex is painful. Sex should not be painful. Seeing a doctor can help with both the physical and emotional elements that lead to painful sex. An additional note: arousal and orgasm produce a series of chemical changes in the body that can have a palliative effect, and your pain thresholds double during high arousal stages. Getting yourself riled up and/or having an orgasm can increase comfort and pleasure during penetration. Please make sure you get very wet before you have sex, kiss a lot, touch a lot, penetration should be the last thing you do.