The Sunday News

Spice-rubbed grilled pork chops


1 To prevent wooden skewers or chopsticks from burning while grilling chops, soak them in water for 30 minutes before inserting into chops. Or, if you like, don’t serve the pork chops on a stick.

2 For rub: In a small bowl, combine paprika, brown sugar, onion salt, garlic powder, ginger, cinnamon, cumin, mustard, cayenne and black pepper. Brush chops on both sides with soy sauce. Sprinkle over chops and rub in with your fingers. Insert a wooden chopstick into the short side of each chop.

3 For a charcoal grill, arrange medium-hot coals around a drip pan. Test for medium heat above pan. Place pork chops on grill rack over pan. Cover; grill chops 30 to 35 minutes or until chops are slightly pink in center and juices run clear (145 degrees F to 160 degrees F). (For a gas grill, preheat grill. Reduce heat to medium. Adjust for indirect cooking. Place chops on grill rack over burner that is turned off. Cover and grill as directed.) Remove from grill; let stand for 3 minutes before serving. —