The Sunday News

The power of mental work

If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand – Bob Proctor
Did you know that the most successful people first had a clear picture of what they wanted to achieve before they set out to achieve it? They didn’t have all the details of how they would arrive at their intended destination but they knew the outcome they wanted and kept picturing it in their minds until it became a reality.

When you think about it, everything begins with a thought but we don’t realise that because well, it’s nature, that’s how it is. When you become more aware of that you get to be aware that when you intentionally use that power it can yield a lot of positive results for you.

The mind is a beautiful organ such that when you think of something it provides pictures or videos of that in your imagination to show you a ‘preview’ of what you are thinking about. When the mind shows us those pictures or those movies we get excited to see what we can bring to life and actually get up and do it. That’s how we harness the power of planning. No one taught anyone how to plan. We all simply began to do that each day as we woke up or at the end of the day for the next day. In fact every waking moment we are planning something, we just do it on autopilot hence we don’t notice it.

When we plan to do one thing, one thought joins another and we end up with a series of thoughts joined together and that is what we act on.

When we take those actions you will observe that the resources that you need will align themselves to you in different ways, sometimes through people, circumstances, questions, conversations or tangible items. Sounds like a miracle if you actually think about it. Our minds actually have more power than we care to notice.

Wait, if we have so much power, why do we have bad days, bad relationships, bad health and why do we encounter difficult people? If it’s so simple and natural, then why are we still struggling with some projects, why are we failing at others and getting embarrassed in the process? Why aren’t we all rich and powerful? We are all natural planners, after all.

The good and the bad
The good news is that you get to imagine all the good that you can have, be or do in your life. The bad news is that you equally have the power to imagine all the bad things, what could go wrong, what you are afraid of, what you do not want and you would rather not do. Guess what, that still creates all those images in your mind and they will be as vivid as the good things you imagine and yes, things, people, circumstances aligned to those thoughts will manifest in your life and give you exactly what you were thinking about. Do you still like the power of your mind? Well, you can’t change the power of your mind.

What you can do, though, is change your mind about how you want to change your mind.

Change your thoughts, create in your mind images of what you want to see, what you want to happen in your life, what you want to attract instead of the opposite and see the kind of changes that will happen to your life.

So the way we think, the words we speak, the way we feel all have a bearing on creating the day that we want. Ancient populations created a lot of sayings and proverbs that sum up all this.

‘An idle mind is the devil’s workshop’ you are what you think, do unto others as you would like them to do unto you etc. All these seem like rules made by someone to address certain situations but when you focus on these they simply discourage thinking in the negative.

If you are idle and don’t control your thoughts they may end up controlling you, whatever you think about becomes your reality so beware of bad thoughts, and you can’t plan on doing something bad to someone without involving yourself in the bad planning so it still is attracting bad things to yourself.

If we were all aware of the effects of our thoughts, the world would be such a better place; thieving, belittling, quarrels, controlling others would be a thing of the past.

We would all know that we are all capable of achieving anything that we set our minds to, we would respect each other and see others in a different light.

We would all work towards each other’s development knowing that it would come back to us in a good way. We would all embrace each other and love each other knowing that we are all the same. But then again that’s just what’s on my mind. What’s on yours?