The Sunday News

The psychology of dressing

Rutendo Chidawanyika

THERE are various reasons behind why people dress the way they do. Social reasons could be the need to fit in and follow fashion trends. Cultural reasons of dress could be the way people were raised and taught. When it comes to psychological dressing it has to do with what the individual believes. Beliefs differ from person to person, one may be comfortable in wearing short skirts, the other may feel short skirts are more appropriate for ladies of the night.

We dress the way we do to project a certain image. Usually when older women want to look young they wear the latest trends seen on the youth and also keep up with hair and nail trends. While confident men are identified by the fashion risks they take such, as wearing bright colours and prints.

Fashion choices can affect both self-image and also influence the way people behave towards each other. Women in revealing clothes are most likely to be approached by men as compared to the ones dressed conservatively. Clothes are an essential clue to people’s personalities. No one wants to be judged, but unfortunately people will judge you how dressed. If you are in all black one may assume you are going to a funeral. If you are always dressed formally, then most probably you work in the corporate sector.

Each person has a reason behind the way they dress, such as being a lazy day, or you wake up feeling fat and want to look slim or it’s your favourite day of the week. The style and clothes you choose reflect and affect your mood. When going for a date or an interview you definitely want to look your best in order to impress. The psychological of dressing really does exist. For example you wouldn’t wear a suit to the night club because you want to look cool and be noticed.

Ladies! Apparently red clothes are more favourable in terms of attractiveness compared to other colours. Men are more likely to approach a woman for a date if she is wearing red. I guess red is the colour of love on a real . . . clothes contribute to self-confidence and raise self-esteem. Dress embodies personal wealth and taste.

Wearing one colour from head to toe blurs the dividing lines and makes the body slimmer. All black will make you slimmer as compared to other colours; please note: by slimmer it means just slightly slimmer from your normal look, you won’t look two sizes smaller. Vertical make you look taller, while diagonal lines placed at an angle create a slimmer illusion.

Curiously people who dress like the boss are more likely to get promoted quicker. If you dress then part then basically you fit the part. If going for a job interview and are dressed appropriately for post applied, you are most likely to be considered.

Some may disagree with the fact that all black makes you slimmer, they do not see the difference. Dressing is a way of communicating your personality without using your words. Revealing clothes or very bright clashing colours may scream ATTENTION SEEKER, while dark colours and saggy clothes may paint you as depressed or dull.

People follow fashion trends because our brains love new and exciting things. Keeping up with trends will make you seem younger and hot. When a young person does a hairdo which is popular with oldies they may be perceived as older than they are.

Before you throw any clothing item on your body, make sure it is appropriate for the occasion and try to think of how others will perceive you, if you are happy about the impression you are giving it’s a go!
