The Sunday News

The Youth Zone with Zero Suppliers, preparing for examinations


As you prepare for end of year examinations, take note of the following.
Take a break from Social media
1. So much happens on social media. This will distract your attention. At the moment focus on your reading, research and study.

2.Find a peaceful place to study. If there are distracting smells, move to another spot. Make sure that the lighting is not poor. Make sure the place is not too cold or hot. Don’t be so comfortable, you could nap, and also uncomfortable, you will not concentrate.

3. Take down notes. After finishing reading a topic, write down short notes. This will assist you not to forget about what you were reading. Practice old exams, applying what you were reading.

4. Have an organised system in place. Set your alarm and decide when you want to go to bed. Wake up at the stipulated time and start reading. Create a reading programme for example: -12am (wake up), 12:05 (prayer), 12:10 (start reading), 1:00 (break), 1:10 (reading another subject), 2:00 (break), 2:10 (attempting questions on what you were reading), 3:00am (end of study) make this a habit.

5. Have a daily and weekly Objective. Decide what you want to do daily and weekly. Set your goals clear and defined. This will keep you focused.

6. Manage High School Stress. Manage classroom environment and school gossip. Don’t befriend people who are not focused and visionary . Refuse to discouraged. Remain focused and motivated.

7. Evaluate yourself. What have l learned from the study? What changes do l see in myself?. How can I apply what I learned to answer exam questions? Such an evaluation will assist you to do even much better.

8. Take Breaks. Sitting for a long time or extended period can put a strain on you. Take breaks, try walking for a little bit, digesting what you have been reading or make a cup of tea to relax you.

9. Think Positive. Don’t tell yourself negative things like, ‘l’m not good at this or l’m going to fail’. Doing so lowers your confidence and this can directly affect your performance on tests and assignments. One of the best ways you can counteract negative thoughts is to replace them with positive actions.

10. Join Study groups. These are important as you will be able to share ideas with other fellow students. Joining or forming a study group has a lot of benefits. You get to work with people who have unique insights and they can help you out with topics you are having trouble understanding. Some of the advantages of being in a study group include: Having a strong support system, comparing notes, learning new ideas. lf you find yourself having trouble with a particular topic, revisit the topic and read again. Approach your teachers for assistance

Make sure you know whether your examination is going to be written in the morning or afternoon. After collecting your statement of entry, stick it in your room and revisit it time and again so that you won’t forget when you are going to write the examinations.

Also know the length of your examination and follow the instructions of the examination. Make sure you carry two or three pens to use in the examination. If your examination requires a pencil and a ruler carry these items.

Don’t sleep in the examination room but use this time wisely. Remember cheating is not allowed, so prepare for your examinations now. After finishing your examination, don’t revise, instead prepare for the next examination.
n Extracts from the novel Right Steps, Written by Manners Msongelwa. President of History Teachers of Zimbabwe