The Sunday News

The Youth Zone with Zero Suppliers… Signs your child might be into drugs

Teenagers experience a variety of social, mental, and emotional changes as they experience the ups and downs of growing up.
This can often make it difficult for friends and family to tell the difference between warning signs of teenage drug addiction or normal hormonal and personal changes.

However, there are a number of indicators that loved ones should pay close attention to, including:
Depression, anxiety, or other mental disorders.

Friends/romantic partners who use substances.
Family members who abuse drugs or alcohol.

Traumatic personal experiences.
Consuming pop culture with drugs and alcohol.

Low self-esteem.
Declining academic performance.
Missing money.

Intense mood swings.
Associating with a different crowd.
Routinely finishing prescriptions prematurely.
Withdrawing from friends and family.

No longer participating in former activities.
Changes in physical appearance or behaviour.

Teenage drug addiction can set the tone for a lifetime of abuse and dependence. Luckily, the earlier an addiction is treated, the easier and more successful treatment is likely to be.

Stop the substance use disorder now before it progresses into something more severe.
Contact a treatment provider, police, health facility today to discover teen-friendly rehab facilities that can guide your loved one from addiction into a life of sobriety.

The impressionable nature of teenagers can encourage addiction through exposure, or the wrong friends. For example, new surveys have linked increased marijuana use in teens as they listened to music glamorising marijuana use.
Additionally, teens often find Marijuana at concerts or parties, experimenting with drugs in a “carefree” setting. (Source: