The Sunday News

Victoria falls residents to get free mosquito nets

Ronnie Dube

Rutendo Nyeve, Sunday News Correspondent

THE Victoria Falls city council with support from the Ministry of Health and Child Care and Plan International will distribute mosquito nets to the resort town’s residents in a move meant to curb the malaria pandemic.

The development compliments other efforts that include indoor and outdoor spraying that has been often used to curb and prevent the malaria pandemic.

Announcing the distribution schedule this Monday, Victoria Falls Town Clerk Mr Ronnie Dube said:

‘’Residents and stakeholders are hereby notified that the City of Victoria falls in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Childcare and Plan International will be distributing mosquito nets across the city. The exercise is key in curbing the malaria pandemic in the city,” said Mr Dube.

The distribution exercise is set to cover all the wards from 21 to 30 July.

Hotel operators have previously complained that mosquitoes were causing havoc and scaring away tourists from the country’s prime destination prompting the local authority to intensify control of the insects.

Some residents however blocked council teams from spraying their houses claiming that the chemical -Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) – that the municipality was using was not effective as mosquitoes wreaked havoc soon after spraying.  Council then switched to organophosphate. The latest development is thus set to compliment these efforts.
