Zimbabwean renaissance

19 Jan, 2025 - 00:01 0 Views
Zimbabwean renaissance United Political Landscape

Dr Obert Moses Mpofu

FINALLY, we have entered into an age of progressive politics in Zimbabwe. This is all that Zimbabwe needs. It cannot be denied that Zimbabweans have always been progressive. 

Recent events have been a testament to that. We have seen movement from those previously not on the same page with putting Zimbabwe first, changing their ways. 

For the first time in a long time, the opposition elements have seen the light. 

They have now come to the realisation that we need to all be united and speak with the same voice in order to propel our nation forward. Zimbabwe is clearly experiencing a new renaissance.

This has been a long time coming. We have and are one Zimbabwe, and we are never going to get another one. So why not, in spite of our perceived differences, work together for the benefit of this our glorious nation. For years, calls for a patriotic opposition have often fallen on deaf ears, until now. 

There seems to be an awakening and a realisation that if we are all to band together in spite of our divergent views, then Zimbabwe will reap all the benefits and will be spurred forward. Such progressive and nationalist inclination is truly remarkable and should be commended. 

Zimbabwe comes first and we should protect her interests at all costs. We all can see clearly now. The goal has been and will always be Zimbabwe. Nothing else matters except our country’s prosperity and improved livelihoods for our people. 

The recent tour of Pricabe Farm by Parliamentarians from across the political divide is quite telling. More than anything, it showed how Zimbabweans are willing to put their differences aside and engage meaningfully for the benefit of our nation. It is such sanity and unity that is despised by our detractors and enemies. 

I am quite sure that the recent developments in Zimbabwe’s political landscape where the nation’s political parties are finding consensus on issues of national development has left our detractors with a bitter taste in their mouths. 

Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans, and all Zimbabweans are now playing an active role in the pursuit of our country’s interests. We are truly in the golden age of our politics as a nation. We must continue on this trajectory of positively shaping our politics. 

We have now reached an impressive level in our politics as a nation. Together, united as a nation, there is truly nothing that we cannot do. Our possibilities are endless. We will certainly achieve the impossible. It is quite refreshing how mature politics is now prevailing in our country. 

We are at a point in our journey where all efforts should be channelled towards uplifting the great people of this nation. It is evident that as we evolve in this manner, those that are not inclined towards the progress we are making will be left behind and will be forgotten. 

It is truly time for those who have a true love for Zimbabwe to stand up and be counted. We all are expected to play our part and contribute to this nation’s development. What His Excellency President Dr ED Mnangagwa has done for Zimbabwe in just a few years has changed the country’s trajectory forever. The fruits of his efforts are there for all to see.

We are now in a really good place and better days are coming. It truly takes great effort and dedication to place one’s country ahead of one’s own individual and self-interests. 

It seems sacrifice has been and will always be at the centre of Zimbabwe’s story. So much was sacrificed to attain our independence and up till now, there are more sacrifices that are being made, in efforts to ensure that our future is a brighter one. 

This renaissance that we are currently experiencing is remarkable. We have come a long way, and we still have a long way to go. All should be aboard the Zimbabwean agenda and strive to ensure that our dreams are turned into reality. It doesn’t matter which political values one has, there should be no greater priority than Zimbabwe herself.

A new dawn is upon us. Let us channel all our energies towards ensuring that our nation’s prosperity is guaranteed. We have so much to lose if we do not stick together for Zimbabwe’s sake, and we have everything to gain from being united. I am confident that the era we are entering is one where there is less opposition as to the trajectory of our great nation and more positive efforts from whichever political parties are there for the benefit of Zimbabwe. 

The future generations are set to benefit from the era of mature politics where we all agree as to where we want to take our nation and we each play a positive role to achieve that, in spite of our differences. After all, we are all Zimbabweans and there is but one Zimbabwe that we should all play a collective role towards uplifting. A new age is truly upon us. 

Obert Mpofu is an academic and the Secretary-General of Zanu-PF. He writes in his own capacity.



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