Sharon Chimenya, Masvingo Correspondent
MASVINGO City Council has postponed its property valuation exercise to next year as it works on its Master Plan that will guide the city growth strategy.
Council acting director of finance Mr Danister Jori said, during his presentation at the 2022 budget consultation held last week, that the general valuation process is done after every 10 years and the local authority was supposed to work on it this year.
However, the exercise will now be held next year and a budget of $12,6 million has been set.
“The city is now due for a general valuation exercise whereby all the properties in the city will have their values accessed for rating purposes. The process is usually done after every 10 years,” he said.
He said they were also working on the updating of the city Master Plan which has been on the cards for some time. The Master Plan will guide the city’s growth and expansion projects.
“We also need to review our master plan to let it conform with the future development plans of the city,” he said.
According to the minutes of Public Works and Planning Committee, council endorsed that the review of the City of Masvingo Master Plan be done by Urban Development Corporation (UDCORP) over a period of 230 days.
“Consideration was given to the report of the acting Director of Engineering Services Kudzaishe Mbetu, on review of the City of Masvingo Master Plan by Urban Development Corporation.
“It was reported that the Consultants indicated that they would be able to complete the exercise in 230 days.”
Meanwhile, Mr Jori said that the local authority has been allocated $235 million for the 2022 devolution funds.
“The Ministry of Local Government and Public Works has advised us that our 2022 allocation of devolution funds is $235 816 500.
“We propose to utilise the funds on the following projects; Mucheke Trunk Sewer $100 million, Rujeko Secondary School $50 million, Landfill Development $85 816 500.”
He said next year’s budget is sensitive to the issues affecting youths, women and people with disabilities.
“Thus, the budget makes the following provisions in addition to water and sanitation projects that are cross-cutting; Gender, women and youth activities $2 278 125, Public lighting rehabilitation $16,2 million and Junior Council Activities $3 701 383,” he said.